Scene: Uptown A train. Early morning. 20-year-old attractive hipster guy dressed in a suit and sweater sits on the inside L seat next to me with his skateboard.
Him: What are you listening to?
Me: (takes headphones off) Remix of "A Whole Lotta Love."
Him: It just stood out...the picture on your ipod. It's very striking.
Me: Okay. (puts headphones on and closes eyes)
Him: I noticed the word "lipid" (points to a typed paper an attractive brunette sitting nearby is reading)
Her: (ignores)
Him: What are you reading?
Her: A paper I wrote that I need to present this morning. (resumes reading)
Him: Cool. I used to work at this health and wellness clinic in Ohio..... blah blah blah...CBD...marijuana....studies have's not just the THC it's CBD... blah blah blah
Her: bleh bleh bleh (Gets off at 168th Street)
Him: (turns back to me) So what do you do?
Not cool at 7am. Super nice guy and all, but wrong place wrong time.